Stewards of Heritage Award

The Stewards of Heritage Award is presented to individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to aid archaeological preservation, further research, educate or otherwise promote public awareness of Florida archaeology. Awards are presented every other year.

The FAC Stewards of Heritage Awards (SOH) was established to recognize the role of the general public in preservation, education, and research of archaeological resources. When funding permits this event should be done every other year. FAC Stewards of Heritage recipients have demonstrated a strong devotion to preserving, learning, and teaching Florida's heritage locally as well as at the state and national levels.

Previous Award Winners


The City of Sarasota Florida

In recognition of their community’s efforts to protect and preserve prehistoric and historic resources throughout the city over the past 50 years.

Andres Viglucci

In recognition of his advocacy for the archaeological heritage of Miami and South Florida for over 40 years as a reporter for the Miami Herald.